A Public Sector Enterprise

CIN L14292TG1973GOI001660

Adoption of Govt. ITI

             Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd (MIDHANI), as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility programme in furtherance of the skill development initiatives undertaken by Govt. Of India for up-gradation of existing facilities available at various ITIs. Accordingly, Midhani has adopted GOVT. ITI, Alwal to provide various infrastructure facilities such as:

Up-gradation of Computer Lab, Civil renovation work of Hostel building workshops, & Administrative block including painting work, flooring & replacement of sheets for workshop (welder & Diesel), providing uniforms for 225 students, furniture for class rooms (duel desks) and computer lab fans & tube lights for class rooms, engaging additional faculty, Maintenance of toilets and gardening etc, at an estimated cost of Rs 88,33,100/- (Rupees eighty eight lakhs thirty three thousand one hundred only) at ITI, Alwal during the financial year 2016-17. In addition to the above , construction of new toilet complex for boys and girls also taken up under Swachbharat. The total Expenditure for both Skill Development is approx. Rs. 1 Crore.

A Memorandum of Understanding between Midhani and Director (Employment &Training), Telangana State has been signed on 05.12.2016 to this effect for a period of one year.

MoU for adoption of Govt. ITI, Alwal by MIDHANI is being exchanged by Mr. K.Y. Naik, Director (Employment & Training), Telangana State and Mr. A. Ramakrishna Rao, GM (HR), Midhani on 05.12.2016 in presence of Mr. B.G. Raj, Director(Finance), Mr. S.K.Jha, Director(P&M), Mr. K. Anand Kumar, AGM(HR&CM) of Midhani and other officials from State Government.