A Public Sector Enterprise

CIN L14292TG1973GOI001660

Other Metals and Alloys

Soft Magnetic alloys and Controlled Expansion Alloys

MIDHANI Alloy Name Trade Name UNS No. British Specs American Specs German Specs French Specs
Ferconi Kovar Nilo K Rodar K94610
Ferni 36 Invar 36 K93600 K93601 K93603 K93050
Ferni 39 Invar 39
Ferni 32-5 Super Invar 32-5
Ferni 42 Nilo 42 Low expansion 42 Alloy K94100
Softcomag 49A High Perm 49 K94840
Softmag 36B Permalloy D
Softmag 48B Permalloy B
Softmag 78 Mumetal
Disclaimer Technical specifications included herein should be used as a guideline only. All specifications are subject to change without notice.