Test facilities to Private Entities
- The list of test facilities which can be made available to private entities for testing of materials /Alloys are as per the list (Annexure ‘A’)
- Procedure to avail the test facilities by a private entity
- A private entity shall submit the end use certificate
- The Nodal officer of Midhani will study the technical specs of the test to be carried out.
- The slot availability along with quote will be communicated to private entity in case the available test facilities are capable of meeting the technical requirements.
- The private entity shall place a Service Order including acceptance of payment terms as per the quote and handover the job at the Midhani Premises to carry out the test(s).
- The test(s) will be carried out as per standard procedures/specification by Midhani Personnel only.
- The test reports along with the job will be handed over to the private entity.
- General terms & conditions
- The test services to private entities will be made available, only in case of spare capacity, over and above meeting the internal needs.
- All transportation of job (including loading / unloading) from / to Midhani`s testing premises is the responsibility of the private entity
- Personnel from private entities to produce proof of Identity / authorization letter.
- Inspection of the job will be done by security staff before moving the job to/from Midhani premises.
- The testing charges are will be provided on request.
- VAT / Service / other taxes extra as applicable.
- Midhani will not be responsible for loss / damage to the samples while carrying out the test(s).
- If any damage occurs to equipment / property / personnel resulting from the testing of the job of private entity, the private entity should bear the expenses in repair / replacement of the facility. All necessary insurance coverage for the job shall be the responsibility of the private entity